Monday, April 28, 2014

Am I supposed to be happy?

My day started as usual with an alarm beeping indicating that it was 7 in the morning. With half sleep I strolled to washroom with a tooth paste in one hand and face wash and soap in other hand. The only thought I had was “should I bunk 1st period” as I had to compensate for the late night stay. I shook that idea out of my mind as I had been bunking classes lately and I was scared if it becomes my habit. After offering water and praying in my small alter that I had made above my book shelves, my roommate and I strolled to kitchen sluggishly thinking food won’t be any better than the other days. As we were eating breakfast one of my friends from electrical department slapped on my back and said “congratulation you have been selected in Italy”  I gave her a long starry look and looked back at my roommate and said” did you choose Italy for me.” she shook her hand as a gesture of no. “I didn’t apply for Italy.” I said and she told me that she might have made mistake with someone else. I congratulated my electrical friend as she has been selected for the exchange program in Germany and my roommate and I sprint to room to check the result. On the way we had thousand of question popping out.

“Are you sure that you didn’t write Italy?” I asked my room mate.

“I didn’t there was no civil engineering program in the university mentioned.”

“But how come I got selected there, what if they had made mistake, what was the name of the university that you have mentioned in my curriculum vitae?”

“I don’t remember.”

I didn’t want to apply for the exchange program due to so many excuses until the deadline has approached and I realized it was now or never.  We had to do application process and all in that very last day that we didn’t remember the university we have chosen.

We scrolled down the home page for the clink program and clicked on the result for the selected candidate and there was my name and it was not in Italy. It was the one that we had applied unknowingly. My roommate gave me a big smile but I didn’t feel anything. I was not even happy like the way I was when she got selected a month ago. I guess I was not expecting for the positive response that it took me few days to actually believe it. I remembered that quote from robin Sharma’s book “the path has no value when you have reached it.” The things which we crave a lot does not actually turn out the way we want when we actually seize it and I was contented for that exchange program I got selected  but  seems like life is a never ending process of questionnaire as I saw myself asking lots of question. So for a time being I have decided to be happy and I want to thank my roommate without which this won’t have happened.
With finger crossed I hope everything will turn out good and for the very first time I will be going away all alone and I want to experience this very adventurous days because life is too short to be clinging on to the safer shore.

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